The world of premium rum take your time and be prepared

The goal: to grow into a lasting partnership by actually knowing all the ins and outs of the client’s process to arrive at an appropriate solution. Newcorp Logistics is an agile logistics partner that invests time, effort and energy to deliver nothing less than the best. For the past year, we have been fully immersed in the world of premium rum for a Latin American client. How did we approach this and how did the process go? You can read about that and more in below!

For a client dealing in premium rum products, we have spent the past year diving fully into the world of premium rum. To solve a logistics issue, it is essential to first understand the customer’s needs. We do this by identifying desires, needs and current problems. This case involved handling the entire supply chain for premium rum products. The rum is made in Latin America and must be transported to Europe. For transporting premium rum products to Europe, we researched what works best for our client.

Then we dove into the preparation process. An inspiring working visit to Spain gave us insight into the storage and maintenance of premium rum products. This working visit brought us many new insights and knowledge on how to keep rum optimally stored and maintained. For example, it is important to use traditional materials, such as oak barrels. When handling premium products, it is important to immerse yourself in the product. All this to ensure quality at all times.

With our newly acquired knowledge, we have become experts in handling our customer’s products. Meanwhile, we have received the first barrels. The barrels have been prepared for the storage of the first batch of premium rum to follow soon. The result? With confidence, our client starts a partnership where quality and cooperation are key. That’s Newcorp.